Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Who has sacrificed ? !

I was at cow market in early morning at Rampura Aftab Nagar as per them the biggest in Dhaka city .I have heard form one of my friend yesterday night that supply is more than demand & the traders are anticipating a great loss.

When I went to market it was quite early in the morning so the traders & cow owners have time to exchange some words with their morning Biri(loacal version of cigarette ) ,one trader told me that he paid half of the price to the cow owner when he brought the cow & he has no option to return the cow & money, the whole process will generate a loss of Tk.3000 (US$43) .He was telling me that he will try to enjoy his Eid with family but the market authority is not even allowing him to take his cow back .They ( mainly ruling party muscle man) told all traders that you cannot leave the place before 10 pm today whereas Eid is tomorrow

One of the cow owner when I enquired the price told me that even if he got -5000 taka (US$75) than his expected he will sell that as he promised so many things to family members & he would like to keep his words .

When we go to a cow market we love to win than others that means we want to buy cheap than others but today after listening to the comments & heavy breath it seemed to me that my cow for which I paid 33K haven't gave me comfort at all.33 is the pass mark in our exams so it raised on my mind whether I passed or I actually failed by sacrificing them for the sake of my symbolic sacrifice !

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Odvut Uter Pithe Cholche Swadesh...

We always plan & try to implement that in a day. And following that trend the bunch of intellectual of Caretaker Adviser separated the judiciary from executive branch & assigned them to handle billions of cases among them many are reject able during cognizance .But even though the judiciary is very interested to deal everything so what happened at the end of the day about 15 million cases are pending.

This situation drive the government mad so even the talented law minister ( not the magistrate court lawyer cum state minister !) is driven by a though of setting up arbitration court even for the criminal offenses .In a country where you’ll hardly find a spontaneous witness there a arbitration court for criminal offenses like killing will be handled.

Let us think it hypothetically that Mr. X is been killed by a Member of Parliament & the killer want to negotiate with money & by other means. How much money a lower middle class refuge / how much of threat a middle class can tolerate / how much of biased opinion of police a higher middle class can tolerate even how much threat a civil bureaucrat can tolerate & ultimately how a witness will handle the death threat ?

None of above we can think to let it happen! so let us request the government go for arbitration court for civil case but not for the criminal cases .Let us live in a livable Bangladesh.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Dhora Jabena choaa jabena bola jabena kotha ...

This democratic government's ruling party ! who started killing democracy from day 1 doing whatever the want using their Brut majority in parliament .

Today they stopped the exhibition on RAB's crossfire as government & their ministers think there is no crossfire ! which is actually true as this is one side fire from RAB so term wise it is wrong !

How long it will continue & we have to vote & die for this democracy !